Note: Scientific classifications of animals, or the common name, may change with new scientific data. This list of 195 mammals species is taken from the book Mammals of Canada, by A. Banfield, and other lists may vary slightly.
Canada’s most endangered mammal is the endearing little Vancouver Island Marmot, pictured here.
- New World or Virginia opossum
- Masked shrew
- Vagrant shrew
- Dusky shrew
- American water shrew
- Bendire’s shrew
- Smoky shrew
- Arctic shrew
- Gaspe shrew
- Trowbridge’s shrew
- Pygmy shrew
- Thompson’s pygmy shrew
- Short-tailed shrew
- Least shrew
- American shrew-mole
- Townsend’s mole
- Pacific coast mole
- Hairy-tailed mole
- Eastern mole
- Star-nosed mole
- Little brown bat
- Yuma bat
- Keen’s bat
- Long-eared bat
- Fringed bat
- Long-legged bat
- California bat
- Small-footed bat
- Silver-haired bat
- Townsend’s big-eared bat
- Eastern pipistrelle
- Big brown bat
- Evening bat
- Red bat
- Hoary bat
- Pallid bat
- Big free-tailed bat
- American pika
- Eastern cottontail rabbit
- Nuttall’s cottontail rabbit
- Snowshoe hare
- Arctic hare
- White-tailed jack rabbit
- European hare
- Mountain beaver
- Eastern chipmunk
- Least chipmunk
- Yellow pine chipmunk
- Townsend’s chipmunk
- Red-tailed chipmunk
- Woodchuck
- Yellow-bellied marmot
- Hoary marmot
- Vancouver Island marmot
- Richardson’s ground squirrel
- Columbian ground squirrel
- Arctic ground squirrel
- Thirteen-lined ground squirrel
- Franklin’s ground squirrel
- Golden-mantled ground squirrel
- Black-tailed prairie dog
- Grey or black squirrel
- Fox squirrel
- American red squirrel
- Douglas’ squirrel
- Southern flying squirrel
- Northern flying squirrel
- Northern pocket gopher
- Plains pocket gopher
- Olive-backed pocket mouse
- Great basin pocket-mouse
- Ord’s kangaroo rat
- American beaver
- Western harvest mouse
- Deer mouse
- Cascade deer mouse
- Sitka mouse
- White-footed mouse
- Northern grasshopper mouse
- Bushy-tailed wood rat
- Northern red-backed vole
- Gapper’s red-backed vole
- Western red-backed vole
- Brown lemming
- Southern bog lemming
- Northern bog lemming
- Heather vole
- Collared lemming
- Ungava lemming
- Muskrat
- Sagebrush vole
- Richardson’s water vole
- Woodland vole
- Prairie vole
- Singing vole
- Meadow vole
- Montane vole
- Townsend’s vole
- Tundra vole
- Long-tailed vole
- Rock vole
- Chestnut-cheeked vole
- Creeping vole
- Roof rat
- Norway rat
- House mouse
- Pacific jumping mouse
- Western jumping mouse
- Meadow jumping mouse
- Woodland jumping mouse
- American porcupine
- Coyote
- Grey or timber wolf
- Arctic fox
- Red fox
- Swift fox
- Grey fox
- American black bear
- Brown or grizzly bear
- Polar bear
- Common raccoon
- American marten
- Fisher
- Ermine
- Long-tailed weasel
- Least weasel
- Black-footed ferret
- American mink
- Wolverine
- American badger
- Western spotted skunk
- Striped skunk
- River otter
- Sea otter
- Cougar or mountain lion
- Canada lynx
- Bobcat
- Caribou or reindeer
- Mule deer
- White-tailed deer
- Fallow deer
- Moose
- Wapiti or American elk
- Pronghorn
- American bison or buffalo
- Mountain goat
- Muskox
- Bighorn sheep
- Dall’s sheep
Marine Mammals
- Northern sea lion
- California sea lion
- Northern fur seal
- Walrus
- Bearded seal
- Grey seal
- Harbour seal
- Ringed seal
- Harp seal
- Hooded seal
- Northern elephant seal
- Giant beaked whale
- Sowserby’s beaked whale
- Blainville’s beaked whale
- True beaked whale
- Stejneger’s beaked whale
- Moore’s beaked whale
- Goose-beaked whale
- Northern bottlenosed whale
- Sperm whale
- Pygmy sperm whale
- Beluga or white whale
- Narwhal
- Blue dolphin
- Common dolphin
- Bottlenosed dolphin
- Northern right-whale dolphin
- White-beaked dolphin
- Atlantic white-sided dolphin
- Pacific white-sided dolphin
- Orca or killer whale
- Grey grampus
- Atlantic pilot whale
- Pacific pilot whale
- Harbour porpoise
- Dall’s porpoise
- Grey whale
- Fin whale
- Sei whale
- Minke whale
- Blue whale
- Humpback whale
- Right whale
- Bowhead whale