Canada spans 6 time zones, and shares the main four time zones with the USA (Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific Time). Listing from west to east:
- Pacific Time Zone (PDT)
- Mountain Time Zone )MDT)
- Central Time Zone (CDT)
- Eastern Time Zone (EDT)
- Atlantic Time Zone )ADT)
- Newfoundland Time Zone (NDT)
Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time usually have been regulated by provincial and territorial governments.
Starting in 2007, clocks following the new North American standard for Daylight Saving Time are to be turned forward by one hour on the second Sunday in March, and turned back on the first Sunday of November. (Known as ‘spring ahead and fall back’, which is chanted twice a year by Canadians)
The maps below show the various time zones Canada in the summer and winter. Saskatchewan is the only province that does not change to Daylight Savings time.