World Owl Species: 151 Owls of Canada Species: 16
Barn Owl Tyto alba Size: 35–50 cm (14″–20″), Wingspan to 1.1 m (42″), Weight 460 gr (1 lb) Nest: Coastal British Columbia south of Vancouver, southern Ontario
- Crow-sized owl with white, heart shaped face, dark eyes and long legs
- Rusty brown above, white or light below with fine, dark dots
- Darkest birds are always females, palest birds are males
- The most widely distributed owl in the world
- Mice make up 75% of their diet
- Strictly nocturnal, roosting during the day in cavities or farm buildings
- Pairs mate for life
- Voice is a long, hissing shriek
- Do not build a nest, but lay 5-10 white eggs directly on floor of cave, cavity or building rafter
- If food is scarce they lay fewer eggs, or don’t breed at all
- When being fed, young birds utter a hissing note like the sound of escaping steam
- Lifespan up to 17 years
- Endangered due to loss of habitat, lack of nesting sites
Barred Owl Strix varia Size: 42–60 cm (17″–24″), Wingspan to 1.2 m (50″), Weight 720 gr (1.6 lb) Nest: British Columbia, northern Alberta, Saskatchewan and southern Manitoba through to the Maritimes Gray brown overall with cross barred neck and breast; streaked belly and dark eyes
- Does not have ear tufts
- Also called ‘hoot owl’ or ‘black-eyed owl’
- Active day or night
- Uncommon to rare in low, wet woods or dense mixed coniferous forests
- Can hear the squeak of a mouse from 46 m (150 ft) away
- Frequently drink water and bathe in open water even in winter
- Said to wade into water to catch fish
- Voice is a strong hoo hoo ho-ho
- Use the same nest site annually; both sexes incubate eggs
- Two to four white eggs laid in existing tree cavity
- Lifespan up to 23 years
Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus Size: 20–30 cm (8″–12″), Wingspan to 0.5 m (21″), Weight 135 gr (4.7 oz) Nest: British Columbia and across northern Canada Also called ‘Richardson’s owl’ or ‘Sparrow Owl’
- Brown with white spots above and rust streaked breast
- Heavily spotted forehead and yellow bill
- Dark ‘V’ pattern on the face creates an angry expression
- Whiteish facial disc has black border
- Does not have ear tufts
- Uncommon to rare in boreal coniferous or mixed forests and muskeg
- Strongly nocturnal, roosting in thick cover during the day
- Virtually fearless of man
- Eskimos thought their ease of capture was because they couldn’t see in daylight
- Dependent on old woodpecker holes for nesting
- Preys on small rodents, birds and insects
- Four to six white eggs laid in existing tree cavity
- Sometimes shelters in abandoned igloos in the Arctic or barns during severe weather
- Lifespan up to 15 years
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia Size: 23–27 cm (9″–11″), Wingspan to 60 cm (24″), Weight 155 gr (5 oz) Nest: Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan
- A robin sized, ground dwelling owl with long legs, a short tail and yellow eyes; no ear tufts
- Face is framed in white with a blackish collar
- Uncommon, found only in grasslands or agricultural fields
- Nocturnal but often seen perched on fence posts or farm machinery during the day
- Voice is a high, trumpeting coo coooo
- Eat small rodents and insects, particularly grasshoppers
- Flight is low and undulating, often hovering close to the ground
- Nest and roost in underground burrows lined with grass, roots and animal dung, laying 7-10 white eggs
- Live in pairs or colonies in the abandoned burrows of prairie dogs or ground squirrels
- Have the largest clutches of any North American owl, occasionally up to 12 chicks
- Do not share a burrow with rattlesnakes; the defensive sound made by the young mimics the rattle
- Flight speed up to 19 kmh (12 mph)
- Lifespan up to 11 years
- Endangered due to habitat loss and the use of pesticides on their insect prey
Flammulated Owl Otus flammeolus Size: 15–17 cm (6″–7″), Wingspan to 0.4 m (16″), Weight 60 gr (2.1 oz) Nest: British Columbia
- A small owl slightly larger than a sparrow
- Have small, indistinct ear tufts, reddish edges on the facial disk
- Variegated red and/or grey plumage; light below with white and rust coloured markings
- The only small North American owl with dark eyes
- Uncommon and difficult to find in in coniferous woodlands and forest edges
- Nocturnal, roosting during the day in tree cavities, often those previously used by woodpeckers
- Nest in tree cavities, laying 3 or 4 white eggs
- Voice is a low, soft poot or podo podo repeated every few seconds
- Forages for insects at night and roosts in tree cavities during the day
- Eat primarily insects captured with their feet
Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa Size: 60–82 cm (24″–33″), Wingspan to 1.3 m (52″), Weight 1,080 gr (2.4 lbs) Nest: Yukon, Northwest Territories and British Columbia to Ontario
- Canada’s largest owl, and look much heavier than they are
- Very fluffy with a long tail and large head with yellow eyes, no ear tufts
- Plumage is grey with dark, smudgy markings; black chin spot bordered by white patches like a bow tie
- Large, heavily ringed facial disc makes the eyes look small
- Smaller eyes than most are an adaptation to diurnal hunting
- Voice is a series of up to 10 deep, muffled hoots
- Hunt for small mammals at night, or at dusk and dawn and can be active during the day
- Do not build nests but will enlarge an old one
- Lay 2 to 5 white eggs in a bulky stick nest located in dense conifers
- Do not migrate, but will irrupt into hunting areas with high rodent population cycles
- A very secretive bird, discovered by Europeans in America before they realized it also lives in Europe
- Provincial bird of Manitoba
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Size: 45–62 cm (18″–25″), Wingspan to 1.1 m (44″), Weight 1,400 gr (3.1 lbs) Nest: Canada wide
- Broad head has prominent, wide spaced ear tufts
- Grayish or brownish above, mottled and streaked underneath, tawny orange facial disc with white throat
- Color is variable, ranging from nearly white in the Arctic to dark brown and grey in the south
- Voice is a series of deep muffled ho hoo hoo hoododo
- Active day or night; called the `winged tiger’ for their hunting ability
- Take medium sized prey such as rabbits, skunks, grouse
- Use a regular feeding post near the nest, where they bring prey to be torn up and eaten
- Have attacked people wearing fur hats, mistaking them for prey
- Does not migrate
- One of the first species to breed each winter, so the young are old enough to hunt returning species
- Do not breed until two years of age
- Nest in stick nests in trees, in caves, or on the ground, laying 2 or 3 white eggs
- Provincial bird of Alberta
- Flight speed 64 kmh (40 mph)
- Lifespan up to 29 years
Long-eared Owl Asio otus Size: 32–40 cm (13″–16″), Wingspan to 1 m (36″), Weight 260 gr (9 oz) Nest: Across southern Canada
- Nearly crow sized, with long ear tufts set close together
- Heavily streaked and barred on the belly; rusty facial disc
- Long black `ears’ are actually feather tufts which are flattened against the head in flight
- Usually solitary; a few may roost together in winter but they are so silent they are seldom seen
- The most secretive owl species, strictly nocturnal
- Inhabit dense deciduous and coniferous forests
- Pretend to be wounded to lure intruders away from the nest
- If disturbed on their roost, they raise ear tufts and compress feathers, looking like the stub of a tree limb
- Hunt small mammals at night, and roost next to tree trunks during the day
- Voice is a soft, low wooip every few seconds
- Generally silent except for breeding season
- Four or five white eggs laid in a stick nest
- Lifespan up to 27 years
Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula Size: 35–42 cm (14″–17″), Wingspan to 0.7 m (28″), Weight 320 gr (11 oz) Nest: Across northern and central Canada
- Black bordered facial disc, underparts cross barred with dark brown, long tail, no ear tufts
- Found in open spruce woods and near bogs
- Perch on tree tops or poles to watch for small mammals
- Hawk-like posture and flight give them their name
- Often hovers over open ground
- Inhabit boreal and coniferous forests and muskeg
- More active during the day than other forest owls
- Very tame, and can be approached closely
- Voice is a series of popping popopopopopo
- Have been seen following farmers loading hay bales onto wagons and pouncing on uncovered mice
- Basically non-migratory but will retreat from northern-most part of range in winter
- Eat small mammals, birds and insects
- Lay 3 to 7 white eggs in the hollow tops of spruce trees, tree cavities or abandoned stick nests
Northern Pygmy Owl Glaucididium gnoma Size: 17–20 cm (7″–8″), Wingspan to 0.3 m (12″), Weight 70 gr (2.5 oz) Nest: Southern British Columbia and Alberta
- A sparrow sized owl with a small round head
- Plumage is dark brown with pale bars, dark streaks and a spotted crown
- Dark head has white ‘eyebrow’ over the eyes
- Long tail is often moved or cocked sideways when perched
- Have two black spots on the back of the neck that look like eyes
- No soft wing feathers to muffle the sound of flight; rely on speed and agility instead of surprise·
- Inhabit areas of open coniferous or mixed deciduous forest
- Have a ferocity and strength out of proportion for their size, which is about that of a bluebird
- Voice is a series of toots repeated every few seconds
- Perch in trees to hunt for small birds
- Mainly nocturnal, but will hunt during the day
- Lay 3 to 6 white eggs in an existing tree cavity
Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus Size: 17–20 cm (7″–8″), Wingspan to 0.4 m (17″), Weight 80 gr (2.8 oz) Nest: Across southern and central Canada
- The smallest northern owl
- Also called ‘Sparrow Owl’
- Large head has a prominent white ‘V’ on the face, and whiteish streaks
- Fluffy plumage is reddish brown above with reddish streaks on a lighter belly, and a reddish facial disc
- Yellow eyes, dark bill and no ear tufts
- Found in mixed coniferous and deciduous forests
- Active at night and roosts in dense trees during the day
- Usual food is insects but occasionally take small rodents or birds
- Voice is a series of low toit toit whistled toots
- Name comes from their two note call
- Remarkably tame owls and nearly fearless of man
- Lay 5 or 6 white eggs in an existing tree cavity
- Lifespan up to 17 years
Western Otus kenicottii Nest: British Columbia Eastern Otus asio Nest: Southern Saskatchewan through to Quebec Size: 17–25 cm (7″–10″), Wingspan to 0.5 m (20″), Weight 180 gr (6 oz)
- Plumage variable; brownish red to gray
- Small and stocky; a large head, broad wings and short tail
- Ear tufts prominent when raised, and they have a flat headed look when tufts are down
- Strictly nocturnal, foraging at night for insects and rodents
- Usually solitary
- Roost in tree cavities during the day
- Nest in tree cavities, laying 3-8 white eggs
- Uncommon but widespread in forests, swamps, parks
- Voice is a series of shot pwep pwep pwep whistles
- Call is really a soft, mournful whinny that aroused fear and suspicion among early settlers
- Lifespan up to 13 years
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Size: 32–42 cm (13″–17″), Wingspan to 1 m (38″), Weight 350 gr (12 oz) Nest: Across Canada in grassland areas
- Crow sized and slender, with barely visible ear tufts
- Crow sized and slender, with barely visible ear tufts
- Pale tawny brown overall with a heavily streaked underside and a dark triangle around each eye
- Long-winged owl of open country, marshes and tundra
- Have a high pitched, rasping call like the bark of a small dog
- Voice is a muffled poo poo poo in a quick series
- Fly low over the ground and hover briefly before swooping down
- Roost on the ground, occasionally in large groups
- Gregarious in winter and may gather where prey is abundant
- Less nocturnal than other owls and often seen in daylight
- Eat rodents and small mammals
- Adults will perform `crippled bird’ act to lure intruders from nest
- Live in the grasslands of every continent except Australia
- Flight speed 42 kmh (26 mph)
- Suffers from loss of natural habitat conversion to agriculture
- Listed as a species of Special Concern on COSEWIC
Snowy Owl Nyctea scandiaca Size: 50–67 cm (20″–27″), Wingspan to 1.3 m (52″), Weight 1,830 gr (4 lbs) Nest: Open Arctic tundra
- Mostly white in all plumages; first year birds have dark barring on the body and head; yellow eye
- Dark bars and spots heaviest on juveniles and females; old males may be pure white
- Winters in open fields in southern Canada and northern USA, perching on fence posts or poles
- Canada’s heaviest owl
- Completely encased in feathers from their toes and foot pads to the tip of their beak
- Most active at night, hunting small rodents and birds
- Require very large territories, up to 10 sq km (4 sq mi) due to the scarcity of prey on the tundra
- Hoots can be heard more than 3 km (2 mi) away
- Has the most northerly distribution of any owl
- Lemming population determines the number of eggs; if rodents are abundant up to 13 can be laid
- Nest in a shallow ground depression lined with feathers
- Flight speed 80 kmh (50 mph)
- Provincial bird of Quebec
- Lifespan up to 14 years
Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis Size: 40–47 cm (16″–19″), Wingspan to 1.1 m (40″), Weight 610 gr (1.3 lb) Nest: Southwestern British Columbia
- Large, rounded headed owl with white spotting on head, back and underparts; dark eyes
- Found in canyons and humid forests of coniferous trees
- Strictly nocturnal, and seldom seen because of their retiring habits during the day
- One of their calls is similar to that of a baying hound
- Voice is a strong, rhythmic hooting whup hoo hoo hoooo
- Pairs mate for life
- Lay 2-3 white eggs on the bare floor of a tree cavity
- Mates occupy a home range of 1,000 ha (2,500 acres)
- Hybridizes with barred owl where ranges overlap
- Prey on small rodents, birds and insects
- Decreasing in numbers and range where they can be found
- Very endangered due to loss of first growth forest habitat